Chicon 2000
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Chicon 2000 was held August 31-September 4, 2000 in Chicago, IL. The GoHs were Ben Bova, Bob Eggleton, Jim Baen, Bob Passovoy, and Anne Passovoy.
Photo Album
PR 0
(0.1 MB; 2 pp)
PR Zero
(0.6 MB; 4 pp)
(Bigger and better)
PR 1
(5.7 MB; 32 pp)
PR 2
(6.5 MB; 32 pp)
PR 3
(7.7 MB; 32 pp)
PR 4
(6.5 MB; 40 pp)
PR 5
(5.0 MB; 40 pp)
PR5 Beaucratic supplemental
(11.3 MB; 16 pp)
PR 6
(30.3 MB; 40 pp)
PR 7
(8.7 MB; 40 pp)
Pocket Program
(6.0 MB; 132 pp)
Program Book
(73.3 MB; 210 pp)
Dining Guide
(4.9 MB; 132 pp)
Events & Everything Guide
(6.1 MB; 135 pp)
Program Participants' Guide
(5.3 MB; 40 pp)
Memory Book
(40.2 MB; 40 pp)
Chicago Moon-Times
(14.8 MB; 48 pp)
WSFS, Hugos, Site Selection
2000 Hugo Awards Nomination List
(1.5 MB; 2 pp)
2000 Hugo Awards Voting Ballot
(3.0 MB; 4 pp)
Hugo Award Nominee Certificate
(0.6 MB; 1 pp)
47th Annual Hugo Awards Program
(11.6 MB; 24 pp)
47th Annual Hugo Awards Program Addendum
(0.6 MB; 1 pp)
Press Kit
(12.0 MB; 24 pp)
Hoax Tote Bag
(1.3 MB)
Convention Reports
Evelyn Leeper con report
(0.1 MB; 45 pp)
Chicago in 2000 Bid
(0.1 MB; 1 pp)
Chicago in 2000 Bidding cards
(2.6 MB; 6 pp)
Chicago in 2000 Flyer
(0.3 MB; 2 pp)
The Chicon Sampler
(33.2 MB; 40 pp)
Other Bidders
KC in 2000 button
(0.3 MB)
Boston Mountains in 2000 Towel
(1.6 MB)
FANAC on YouTube
Aussiecon Three
Millennium Philcon
Rich Lynch; F. C. Moulton; Alan Stewart; Mike Benveniste; Leslie Turek
Friday March 14, 2025 10:52:29 AM EST
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